Statement of Internationalists in Rojava !

“With our love deep as the sea and our rage high as the mountains, we renew our promise and commitment to the defense and victory of the revolution!”

Internationalists in Rojava call for all socialists, feminists, anti-fascists and democrats to unite in the international struggle against the Turkish state and its reactionary gangs.


Through the hands of reactionary gangs, Turkish state and forces of capitalist modernity want once again to force war and bloodshed upon the people of Syria. Using this chaos, Turkey want to fulfill its imperialist and colonial objective and continue its genocidal policies against the Kurdish people.

We should not be mistaken, the aim of those attacks is the revolution, their aim is to prevent the people of Rojava and N.E Syria to live a life of dignity and freedom, their aim is to crush the hope of another world and to put the people in slavery.

The situation is very serious and the stake very high. Our martyrs have taught us that surrender lead to betrayal but resistance lead to victory. We will be worthy of them and continue their struggle with an unshakable determination. We call on every socialist, feminist, anti fascist and democrat, to take a stance against those criminal attacks. Organize with your local solidarity network or create one, show your solidarity through marches and creatives actions. Turkish war machine is international, the resistance too has to be international. With our love deep as the sea and our rage high as the mountains, we renew our promise and commitment to the defense and victory of the revolution.

Long live revolutionary people’s war!
Bijî berxwedana Rojava!!!
Bijî Serok Apo!!!

Watch this Video on YouTube here