Rêber Apo is for us a symbol of a free and dignified life

Statement of YPG & YPJ International on the start of the international conspiracy on October 9th, 1998

Today, the escalation of the so-called Middle East conflict, which is being brutally waged on the backs of the people, shows just how relevant Rêber Apo’s fight for humanity is. In times of war, the voices of peace and reconciliation …

On October 9th, 1998, Rêber Abdullah Ocalan had to leave Syria due to the Turkish state’s threats of war against the Ba’ath regime. Rêber Apo had the choice to go to the mountains of Kurdistan and intensify the guerilla struggle or to seek the seemingly impossible path of political dialogue. He consciously chose the path of dialogue, even though he was well aware of the dangers to his life.

When he left Syria, he embarked on an odyssey in search of a solution to the Kurdish question. It quickly became clear that the international community was not interested in finding a solution and that instead the threads of an unprecedented international conspiracy were being spun in the background. The odyssey finally ended with his abduction from Kenya by international secret services in defiance of all international rules and laws.

The deep study of the reasons for the international conspiracy and the Kurdish question brought Rêber Abdullah Ocalan to a profound understanding of the problem. From then on, he became even more committed to find a radical solution. With his paradigm shift, he removed all restrictions in the way of thinking and organizational obstacles to a solution.

Democratic Confederalism as a solution for the Middle East

Due to his deep analysis, he was already able to foresee the developments of the Third World War, which we are experiencing today in all its brutality. In order to protect people and communities from the war policies of international states acting solely in their own interests and to enable those communities to develop their own political power instead, Rêber Apo proposed the establishment of democratic confederalism. In context of the current wars over the reorganization or division of the Middle East, we see very clearly that this is the most appropriate solution for the societies of the Middle East.

Rêber Apo has also managed to bring together feminist, socialist, anarchist, communist and ecological activists, organizations and movements with the new paradigm, as he represents the truth of freedom. With his roadmap to freedom, he has given us a clear perspective, revitalized our hope and strengthened our belief in being a force for solution.

We will use all our strength for the liberation of Rêber Apo

With his search for truth, justice and freedom, Rêber Apo is for us a symbol of a free, dignified life, of women’s liberation, democracy, diversity and harmony with nature. Today, people all over the world are standing up for Rêber Abdullah Ocalan’s freedom alongside the Kurds, especially the people of the Middle East in North and East Syria! They are demonstrating what the international state community is denying the Kurdish people – compassion, responsibility and friendship. Summarized in one word: humanity!

Today, the escalation of the so-called Middle East conflict, which is being brutally waged on the backs of the people, shows just how relevant the fight for humanity is. In times of war, the voices of peace and reconciliation are more important than ever.

Therefore, we as internationalists in the ranks of the YPJ and YPG strongly condemn the ongoing international conspiracy against Rêber Abdullah Oecalan and demand his immediate release! Rêber Apo”s freedom is essential for peace, women’s liberation and democracy in Kurdistan and the Middle East. Until then, we stand by the Kurdish society and will defend Kurdistan from any attacks and occupation attempts and use all our strength for the liberation of Rêber Apo. We call on all democratic and revolutionary forces to intensify their efforts for the liberation of Rêber Abdullah Ocalan and thus the solution of the Kurdish question to ensure its success!

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