“Long live the equality of people long live peace. This is live!”

Commemoration for the International Şehîd’s of North-East Syria on March 24th

Long live the equality of people long live peace. This is live!” It was Elefterya Fortulaki who wrote these words in her last letter. On March 24, 2006, exactly 25 years ago, she set herself on fire in the Greek capital Athens in protest against the imprisonment of Abdullah Öcalan. She reached martyrdom a day later. To remember them and all other internationalist martyrs, over 100 people came together this morning for a memorial event. This day is a symbol of the international martyrs and is part of the so-called “heftiya lehengiye”. It’s the week of the 21st-28t of. March, which is specifically dedicated to the fallen of the revolution. Şehîd Elefterya, whose name is a historical symbol of the defense of truth and peace, was the mother of two children. A 23 year old Greek mother who was bonded with the struggling people of Kurdistan and became a example of militant internationalism through her actions. In her youth she learned about politics through the communist party in Greece; later she and her Kurdish husband named their children ‘Ernesto and ‘Clara’. Şehîd Elefteriya understood the conspiracy as an attack against all freedom loving people. With her action, she deepened and expressed her connection with the Kurdish people, with all peoples.

A decade later, Şehîd Elefteria Hambi took her name to follow in the footsteps of this vanguard. Both women are symbols and examples and belong to the history of internationalists who, even far from their homeland, have dedicated themselves to revolution and the fight for humanity.

In the opening speech, the moderators emphasized the importance of the internationalist martyrs and the thread that connects all of them throughout years and centuries. With their sacrifice they show the world how to overcome the borders of the states and in the minds of people. They brought the revolution to a global level. And through the link between Haki Karer and Elefteriya Fortulaki up to this day the importance of Abdullah Öcalan, whose words spread out into the whole world, was made clear. To overcome obstacles is a big strength of the movement and this became once again obvious with the reveal of the Guerrilla of now being able to take down drones – news, that were spread as a “gift” for Newroz just a few days ago. It can definitely be seen as a “new era of resistance”, the moderation stated.

The command of HPG and YJA Star welcomed the gathering of internationalists and further guestsand pointed out, that the Kurdish freedom movement from its beginnings on has been an internationalist movement. From this very beginning this unbelievable struggle against genocide had built up a strong resistance from the mountains to many places of the world. Hundreds of friends came to take part. they became one with the soil of Kurdistan andprotected the land as if it was their own. They understood and accepted the specific role the Guerrilla has a vanguard in the defeat of Daesh. Rojava has to be seen as the center of the current international struggle and each martyr is “history, future and effort of the freedom that will be achieved”.

As a representative of the YPG/YPJ General Command Sozdar Derik spoke about her experience of living with internationalist friends: “I saw that it was not easy for them, but I saw that everyone was on a search to fight against the forces denying and oppressing us and to overcome this capitalist system. They came with a big heart and although we saw their different colours, languages and cultures,we learnedthat we together are building life on the same values. It is a mosaic that every single friends joins and if there are borders we have to cross, we will cross them together”.

Through video the voices of many fallen internationalist martyrs spoke to the audience. It gave a impressive feeling of the united struggle. In the “Memorial to the Fighters for Freedom” in 1917, Alexandra Kollontai wrote words that are more relevant today than ever: “And therefore the spring air is filled not only with songs of mourning for those who have fallen in the struggle for freedom, but also with the millions of voices of an exultant choir proclaiming the victory of the revolution.” The video ended with the words of Abdullah Öcalan, stating: “I know that the world will support us in the end.” Today, over 100 years later, the new publication of the book “Martyrs never die – the Internationalist Heroes of the Rojava Revolution” was announced. The book tells the stories of 54 international revolutionary fighters. After more than two years of work and the help of many friends, the book was printed in English in the Autonomous Self-Administration. This book, edited by YPG and YPJ International can be seen as the further development of the internationalist volunteers’ and fighters recognition in the Rojava Revolution.

The video presented by the internationalist youth commune, was specially made in memory of Şehîd Elefteria Hambi, who fell in a Turkish attack in the mountains of Kurdistan in 2018. It is an homage to the German internationalist and to her connection to nature and life itself. It was shown at the event for the first time, emphasizing her radical ecological struggle and pointed out the connection between all struggles against oppression and colonization.

The federation of families of the martyrs are taking a really important role in the revolution. The Council of Martyrs’ Families sent a special message to Abdullah Ocalan, who is currently struggling in Imrali: “It will never be possible to bury the ideas and hopes of the martyrs, because they will always be in our hearts. Şehîd Andok Cotkar‘s parents, Ute Ruß and Thomas Gedik, who themselves took part in the commemoration in 2023, greeted from a distance via video and emphasized the importance ‘to resist and tell the stories of those who made a lasting impact’.

The theater group Sanoya Ciya expressed the story of the name Elefterya, the women who bear it and their deep connection to Abdullah Öcalan in their play ‘Prometheus’. Prometheus representing Öcalan, bringing fire, enlightenment, to the people. He gets captured by the hegemonic forces and is then freed by a chorus of free women led by Elefteriya.

With the musical contribution of Sîpane Xelatê the impressions of the days could be well reflected. The event closed with the words of Sehid Elefteria Hambi: “Organize yourself, learn to defend yourself. We are not alone, it is worldwide: One struggle, one fight.”