Who we are

We, as internationalist revolutionaries, have joined the Revolution in Rojava and Northeast Syria and the Women’s Revolution. We are part of the People’s Defense Units (YPG) and the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) which act as a vanguard force for a popular democratic revolution and women’s revolution, based on the paradigm of a democratic and ecological society and women’s freedom, with the aim of establishing a pluralistic, democratic and decentralized system. It has taken upon itself the responsibility to ensure the protection and freedom of the peoples of the Middle East and the world, and is the protective force for all women without distinction in ethnic and religious differences, living up to the principles of an ethical-political society.

A decade of struggle has yielded a lot of human values by confronting the most powerful mysogynist and terrorist force in the world. Defeating fascism and all kinds of systematic rape that women suffered from sexual terrorism has turned into a dynamic energy changing the concept of nationalism, religion and gender, and establishing a culture of peace and love with a cognitive and cultural depth among peoples and women was the pillar of this start. These units mastered their revolutionary role in rooting the foundations of a defense system according to the revolutionary people’s war strategy with the philosophy of substantial self-defense and freed more than five million people from the clutches of terrorism and the traps of the male state mentality.We are part of this defense system, which is the path to global freedom of society and humanity, as well as a contribution to the spirit of democratic socialism and communal culture.
We see our purpose here… and we follow the truth that this revolution has the potential to flourish and inspire and give hope for social justice for all oppressed peoples. We realize that the enemy is common and the front of defense and protection is also shared. We believe that defeating the fascist front through legitimate self-defense is a right and we will fight for it. We will win with the union of democratic peoples and the vanguard of revolutionary women freedom fighters!


For any further information please contact us.

Who we are

We, members of the YPG-YPJ International, are internationalists who have joined the YPG (People’s Defense Units) or YPJ (Women’s Defence Units) here in Rojava (North and East Syria). Joining YPG-YPJ, we share the commitment to defend the Rojava Revolution from military, social, political, and ideological perspectives. We uphold the revolution’s core principles: creating a democratic, ecological society founded on women’s freedom: a society able to self determine itself from the bottom in a ethical way. In this revolution, and also within the military forces, women always are organized autonomusly: the YPJ (Women’s Defense Units) is an exclusively female structure at the heart of the YPG. The internationalist women among us are part of YPJ. We see its existence and work as fundamental, because only in a society where women are free can freedom truly flourish, and only through organized women who fight can the path to the beauty of freedom be paved.

Established in 2011 in Rojava, northern Syria, the YPG-YPJ is a multi-ethnic defense force, encompassing Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, and others. The YPG-YPJ garnered international recognition during the battle against ISIS and continues to defend the revolution against various threats, including the Turkish State, its allied mercenaries, the Syrian regime, and remaining ISIS cells. We are here because we see this struggle as our own, because this revolution holds the potential to blossom and inspire hope worldwide, and because the enemy before us is in its core the same fascist force oppressing people, youth, and women across the globe. To us, internationalism means fighting together against a common enemy with many faces, and organize ourselves globally in networks of self-defense. We recognize that this revolution would not have been possible without the work of A. Öcalan, who is not only the leader of the Kurdish people and all the peoples involved in this revolution but also the bearer of theoretical and practical proposals that offer hope to the oppressed longing for freedom worldwide. We see active involvement in his physical liberation and global organization based on his ideas as integral to the international struggle.

For any further information please contact us.